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To Whom it May Concern,
Act specifically states that the statement must include ‘the steps the organisation has taken during the financial year to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any of its supply chains, and in any part of its own business’. When the Act refers to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking is not taking part in any part of its supply chain, this does not mean that the organisation in question must guarantee that the entire supply chain is slavery free. Instead, it means an organisation must set out the steps it has taken in relation to any part of the supply chain (that is, it should capture all the actions it has taken).
The provision requires an organisation to be transparent about what is happening within its business. This means that if an organisation has taken no steps to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place they must still publish a statement stating this to be the case.
The requirement for organisations to comply with the Modern Slavery Act is set at a total turnover threshold at £36m for the last accounting period we are ‘Under threshold, reporting not required’.
However, as a responsible Company we are auditing our Suppliers to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is and will not take place.
This policy is formally reviewed on an annual basis – Review Date January 2021
Andrew Smith – Managing Director
January 2020